Steps Involved in Cleaning of FRP Storage Tanks


It is not hard to clean FRP storage tanks if you have stored dry materials inside. But if you have stored any fluid/ chemical or even water, you need to perform several steps to clean it. If you are using storage tank for storing water, you should follow these steps shared in this post.

Most people give priority to water purification that they use as potable water. But they forget to pay attention on the storage tank cleaning where water is stored. Every day people use the water of the tank for personal hygiene, cleaning, moping, washing cloths and performing other household jobs. Over time, scale, sediments, and algae get deposited on the walls and surface of the tank that contaminate the water and make it unfit for use.

The presence of algae helps bacteria to grow and breed in the water, infects it and could make you sick eventually. You must clean your storage water tank at least once a year. However, cleaning routine is entirely depends on the quality of water supplied into homes. If the water is high in TDS and very hard, then you need to clean the tank more often. In such cases, user has to clean the tank more than one time in a year.

Steps involved in cleaning of storage tanks:

  1. The area surrounding the tank and tank top is cleaned
  2. Tools should be disinfected before using them for cleaning the tank
  3. Water and sludge is drained out from storage tank with the help of a sludge pump
  4. You should perform manual scrubbing to remove the sediments, dirt, fungus, and stains
  5. Walls, floor surface, and ceiling of the tank should be washed with a high pressure jet
  6. Perform vacuum cleaning to remove all the dirt with suction
  7. After performing vacuum cleaning, disinfect the tank with anti-bacterial spray or liquid bleach
  8. Fill the tank with water and let the water run through the taps to disinfect the water pipes as well
  9. Once the water is drained from the tank, leave the tank for drying
  10. Your storage tank is clean and ready to fill with water once again.
  11. You can store the water and use it for domestic tasks

Cleaning of FRP storage tanks takes 4-6 hours, but it is worth for the family health. You can perform these steps and ensure proper cleaning of your storage tanks.